Thursday, August 24, 2017

How Megasonic Cleaning Improves the Silicon Wafer Cleaning Process

The need for effective elimination of contaminants from silicon microscopic circuits has become increasingly important. Megasonic cleaning, which uses sound waves in the MhHz range generated in the cleaning solution will remove particles as small as 0.1 µm which significantly improves cleaning effectiveness.

The traditional cleaning methods of using harsh chemicals may leave small contaminants in place, and lead to the inferior quality or possibly, even failure of the semiconductor components being produced.

The megasonic cleaning system consists of a high-frequency generator, transducers, and cleaning tank that holds the cleaning solution (such as water or a mild cleaning agent) and the parts to be cleaned. The transducers convert the electric signal (which comes from the generator) to sound waves in the MHz frequency range which travel through the cleaning solution. These sound waves generate microscopic cavitation bubbles in the low-pressure wave troughs. These bubbles will then collapse in the high-pressure peaks, and as a result, they produce tiny jets of water. These resulting jets, when hitting the wafer, will dislodge any particle that adheres on the wafer's surface.

The particles will be carried away by the water currents. There are millions and millions of tiny bubbles which ensure that the silicon wafer is thoroughly cleaned. The bubbles can even penetrate into holes, curves, crevices and other microscopic structures, leaving the surface of the silicon wafer completely cleaned.

Modutek’s Megasonic Cleaning System, developed together with megasonic and ultrasonic technology leader Kaijo Corporation, is a superior alternative to the traditional cleaning methods as it only uses sound waves in the MHz range generated in a water cleaning solution. It can help remove particles down to 0.1 µm in size, to prevent them from affecting the silicon fabrication process. Plus, it improves the overall cleaning performance.

Read more details in the recent article titled “How Megasonic Cleaning Improves the Silicon Wafer Cleaning Process” for additional information. If you have questions, contact Modutek for a free consultation or quote or send them via email at or call 866-803-1533.

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