provides technologically advanced yet cost-effective wet
processing equipment and solutions that produce high-quality output. Applications include
wafer etching, cleaning, drying, metal etching and stripping. Particular
solutions include KOH etch and nitride etch.
The rotary wafer etching system has the ability to etch, clean, reclaim, develop, and strip semiconductor wafers and substrates. It features a dual tank design with a transfer between tanks for etching and then cleansing or rinsing.
The rotary wafer etching system has the ability to etch, clean, reclaim, develop, and strip semiconductor wafers and substrates. It features a dual tank design with a transfer between tanks for etching and then cleansing or rinsing.
Modutek’s vacuum
metal etcher can etch aluminum layers on semiconductor wafers with high precision.
It is fully automated, and etches aluminum in a vacuum to remove hydrogen
bubbles that impede the etching process and generate "snow" and
bridging of the etched wafers.
Modutek’s IPA Vapor
Dryer cleans dry
wafers without creating water spots. It can utilize ozone in the drying chamber
to remove organic contaminants. Most drying cycles can be done in 10 to 15
Modutek's state-of-the-art wet processing equipment is designed to meet the applications of any semiconductor manufacturing or research facility with either standard products or custom-designed solutions. If you need help with selecting the right equipment for your application, contact Modutek at 866-803-1533.
Modutek's state-of-the-art wet processing equipment is designed to meet the applications of any semiconductor manufacturing or research facility with either standard products or custom-designed solutions. If you need help with selecting the right equipment for your application, contact Modutek at 866-803-1533.