When facility managers or engineers purchase semiconductor manufacturing equipment they need to make sure that the equipment chosen meets all the requirements for the application, and maintains a reliable manufacturing process. Because of this, it is important to work with companies and suppliers that offer the best customer service, upgradeable equipment, and product lines that encompass a full line of options. The list below will help those who need to sort through these items and choose the right equipment according to their needs.
- Instructions for the equipment are vital. Confirm thata comprehensive user manual is included. In order to make sure theperformance of the equipment is high quality, extensive documentation isnecessary. Included in the documentation for this complex equipment shouldbe details such as schematics and what replacement parts may be needed.Following instructions will not only increase effectiveness, but also thelongevity of the equipment, giving you a better return on your investment.
- Look for a company that offers a variety of options.Because each company has its own needs, a manufacturing company thatoffers many options will best serve all applications. For instance,Modutek's equipment includes support for plating, silicon etching, precisioncleaning, photo-resist strip, and ozone process for cleaning. Modutek’sequipment is also used to manufacture flat panel displays, and MEMS(microelectromechanical systems).
- Up-to-date technology is important in today's world. Asnew advances are made, Modutek keeps customers informed and adds suitablemodifications to its equipment.
- Be safety-conscious, and look for a company that isalso safety-conscious. See that there is a clear explanation ofrequirements for safe and effective operation when you purchase anysemiconductor equipment.
- Ask about on-site repair. Since the equipment is largeand complex – and essential to the manufacturing process – it is good todeal with a company that is willing to do repairs at the purchasingcompany's location when necessary.
- Know what is included in the company's array ofproducts. Modutek has a variety of products to work with many differentapplications, including equipment for wet processing, chemicals stations,components for processing, and equipment for handling and cleaning.
- Check for a warranty and technical support. Both areimportant to keep the equipment functioning properly. A warranty will helpin case of equipment malfunction.
- Custom fabrication can be exactly what a company needsfor its applications. Whatever equipment is needed, the company can speakto the technical staff at Modutek and give the specifications needed toachieve its purpose. Our design team will do their best to design a pieceof equipment to meet those needs.
- Comprehension of equipment specifications will ensurethat the correct equipment is purchased for the job. It helps to work withexperts and engineers who you understand the products before purchasingsemiconductor manufacturing equipment.
Take advantage of the specialized knowledge and experience of a company that has been manufacturing equipment for an extended time. Modutek has been designing and manufacturing semiconductor manufacturing equipment for over 30 years and is ready to provide the needed equipment to meet your specific requirements.
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