A wet bench process is a procedure
involving the removal of organic residues from a silicon wafer and replacement
of the surface layer of oxide with a new, thin layer. Semiconductor process
engineers do this process first before processing silicon wafers under high
SC-1 and
the SC-2 are the solutions applied in this process.
The SC-1
removes impurities sticking to the silicon, quartz, and oxide surfaces in a
15-minute soak. It also gives way to regeneration of surface oxide layers.
After the
SC-1 application, the wafer is soaked in SC-2 for 10 minutes. This eliminates
other impurities such as microscopic metal hydroxides and alkali residues,
ensuring that the silicon is thoroughly clean.
produces high-quality and technologically advanced wet bench
processing equipment suited for RCA clean. Modutek also has IPA Vapor Dryers which can be
incorporated to your wet bench and finalizes the cleaning process.